2021 open innovation todo

Open innovation is not an isolated activity but a new way to do business, to innovate, market, and sell. It is a revolutionary change in marketing and sales which emphasizes the most competitive values of products – innovation. Most importantly, it favors and differentiates companies which have something new to offer over those who do not.

Here are 3 things every company should do in 2021 to adopt open innovation:

Choose an open innovation leader
It is good to have someone who can manage the open innovation adoption across all teams. While bigger companies hire a full time open innovation leaders, smaller companies can assign this responsibility to an existing member, possibly from marketing or sales.

Include product design, marketing, and sales in open innovation
Open innovation should be added to all customer focused activities – product design, marketing, sales. Everyone should be trained and included in open innovation on all levels. Every contact with a customer should be a form of open innovation resulting in customer inclusion and accelerated innovation.

Include open innovation in all communication, marketing, and sales projects
Open innovation is a customer relationship element. Without open innovation customers can only buy and complain. With open innovation they can participate. Feeling of participation is a far more positive experience than just buying and complaining. Companies should include open innovation in all aspects of customer relationships.

Happy New 2021!

Written by: Nikola Tosic
Publishing date: 31 Dec 2020